Please allow up to 10-15 business days to receive your order. If the item(s) is in stock in Australia it’ll be shipped next day. Arrival can be expected within 10-15 days. We don't keep a large amount of stock on hand, each puzzle is cut to order, we require 2 weeks prior to dispatching your order. Purchases from outside of Australia will be shipped by international courier services. Please allow 3-4 weeks for delivery to occur. In every case we will advise of anticipated shipping times immediately after your order is received and provide tracking number(s).
There are many factors when deciding on pieces. How much time you have is one of these. As a rule of thumb it takes four times as long to complete a 500 piece puzzle as it does a 250 piece puzzle. The same applies to a 500 piece puzzle compared to a 1000 piece puzzle.
Jigsaw puzzles have seen a real resurrgence thanks to COVID 19. Jigsaw puzzles have been around for 250 years and continue to entertain and bring joy to adults, children and families. The original jigsaw was made out of wood, by purchasing a wooden jigsaw puzzle you are purchasing a product that dates back to Victorian times.
We are firm believers in the health benefits of jigsaw puzzles. Jigsaw puzzles can aid health in the way of; keeping your brain sharp, improving mental health, lowering your stress levels and improving concentration.
We add essential oils as an extra health benefit. One of the main benefit of essential oils is to help reduce stress. Customers have the option whether they would like their puzzle infused or not.
Yes, whether your puzzle is infused with oil or not is entirely up to you.We know people have allergies or health conditions that may be set off by the oils, when selecting your puzzle you can choose Yes or No.
Yes however our production supply chain may be impacted causing some delays but essentially we’re in production. We’re observing best health practices. Shipping times may be affected. Shipping costs, particularly international shipping, are higher due to the pandemic.
Yes. Our international customers benefit from the exchange rate of their currency against our Australian $ which in many cases can be 60% which largely offsets the shipping costs making our wooden jigsaw puzzles competitive with locally (USA and UK) produced wooden puzzles. (international exchange rates are subject to constant change).
Yes. Each custom puzzle is recognised for its emotional significance and is designed and produced accordingly. One-on-one consultation regarding size, number of pieces, whimsical pieces, secrecy, cost including shipping, is necessary. Contact us at: . High resolution images are a must.
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